Missions & Outreach

The ‘Great Commission’ is very real to us at Live with Purpose Church. We are passionate about supporting missionaries within our nation and abroad that are boldly carrying the message of the Gospel to communities other than our own. We’re committed to not just offering financial support but support in the form of the sending of ministry teams, and unceasing and vigilant prayer for our friends in the mission field. As a ministry center with much more than one function and focus, we consider our missionaries part of our family and fellowship, no matter the distance that separates us. We seek to deposit this very same passion within the youth of our church, who in reality will become the future leaders one day.

As a body with an outward focus and an understanding of evangelism, we too believe and invest in local outreach. No less important than sharing the Gospel in distant lands, we believe that the very people on our block should also have an opportunity to encounter God and see His goodness. As a new church plant we will rely on God to reveal to us ways, consistent with His Kingdom, to affect our community for the better. Our foremost goal is to love the town of Conestoga and its surrounding areas of Lancaster County and to invite our local friends to come to know God, and in turn, make Him known.

Mission Sunday

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